Australia – famous for kangaroos, koalas, beaches, and … using data to benefit humanity* – Sylvia Howes

The ability to access and effectively use data is just as vital to Not for Profits and Social Enterprises as it is to any organisation, yet smaller funding pools and the need to be seen to be spending donor funds directly on providing services means that many Not for Profits find themselves on the wrong side of the data divide. Data4Good launched in Australia and New Zealand in 2019 with a mission to inspire and enable people so that we can use our skills and passion to benefit humanity. One way we do this is by connecting volunteers in Australia and New Zealand who have data skills with Not for Profits or Social Enterprises who have data needs. This session looks at how charities can benefit from data volunteers and highlights some of the projects we’ve delivered and are currently working on including Tasmanian Devil conservation, supporting Aboriginal Legal Services, and assisting medical service organisations.

As the movement of using data for good grows, we’re one node connecting many parties who are realising the value of using data to do good things for the world. So if you’re a Not for Profit wanting to access volunteers to solve data problems, or if you or your organisation are looking for inspiration on how to use your skills to make a difference, or if you think you could be one of the nodes that connects the right people with the right organisations and data then please join us. Also please feel free to reach out after the session and introduce yourself via LinkedIn or our webpage. Although we work with Aussie and NZ organisations, our projects may be of interest to anyone who wants to get ideas about how data can be used for good.

*Level of fame of “using data to benefit humanity” may not yet be accurate – but hopefully one day

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