
Tech Delivery Of Offline Learning Resources Needed To Bridge The Digital Divide

Panel Description:The Digital Divide is a gargantuan foe that could take up to 10 years to fully overcome as broadband-for-all (BFA) is implemented across the USA. In the meantime up to 16 million students in the USA are living with no or unstable access to the internet, resulting in a growing education gap and learning …

Tech Delivery Of Offline Learning Resources Needed To Bridge The Digital Divide Read more

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Enemy At The Gates: Why We Need To Rebalance Philanthropy

The pandemic, George Floyd protests, and deepening climate crisis have all led to an acceleration of a trend that was already occurring – that corporations, in particular, are co-opting or taking advantage of the nonprofit sector instead of establishing meaningful structures to assist local communities in need.

Good Tech Fest 2022 Keynote

1pm Welcome by Andrew Means, Founder of Good Tech Fest 1:15pm Amy Sample Ward & Afua Bruce – Authors of The Tech That Comes Next 2pm Woodrow Rosenbaum – LIVE Why IT Matters interview with your hosts Tim Lockie and Tracy Kronzak 2:30pm Dr. Ronda Železný-Green – The purpose-driven data professional is emerging – are …

Good Tech Fest 2022 Keynote Read more

Data Ethics and Security Event

We are increasingly collecting and utilizing data in our work. We must ensure that we are doing that as responsibly and securely as we can. In this half-day event, we will hear a roundtable discussion where the panel will explore issues around ethics and security that every impact organization should know. Our goal is to leave attendees with practical advice on how nonprofits can engage with digital security best practices.

Data alone won’t solve our problems — asking the right questions will help – Stefaan G Verhulst

If I had only one hour to save the world, I would spend fifty-five minutes defining the questions, and only five minutes finding the answers,” is a famous aphorism attributed to Albert Einstein. Behind this quote is an important insight about human nature: Too often, we leap to answers without first pausing to examine our …

Data alone won’t solve our problems — asking the right questions will help – Stefaan G Verhulst Read more

A Playbook for Using Data Science and AI for Social Good Well – Rachel Wells

DataKind is a global nonprofit that harnesses the power of data science and AI in the service of humanity. We would love to openly introduce and share the DataKind Playbook: our globally accessible, living knowledge base that enables the reader to design, implement, and follow-up on a Data Science and AI for Good project following …

A Playbook for Using Data Science and AI for Social Good Well – Rachel Wells Read more

Collected for Profit, Repurposed for Social Good: Using Advertising Data to Monitor International Development – Ingmar Weber

Most of the big internet companies, such as Facebook, Google, or Twitter, generate their revenue from targeted advertising. To offer advertisers with advanced targeting capabilities, these companies collect large amounts of user data to build elaborate profiles. Based on these profiles an advertiser can then choose to target only, say, female Facebook users living in …

Collected for Profit, Repurposed for Social Good: Using Advertising Data to Monitor International Development – Ingmar Weber Read more

Radical Data: The Emerging Movement in Data, Art and Activism – Jo Kroese

The “data science revolution” has been used to destabilize democracies, increase corporate and state power and make us buy more shoes. Resisting this are a group of activists, artists and collectives reappropriating data science in the name of citizens. For the last two years, data scientist and artist Jo Kroese has been researching and interviewing …

Radical Data: The Emerging Movement in Data, Art and Activism – Jo Kroese Read more